

We hope that you find this site useful - we have set it up so you can find all the information you might need about the day and your stay in Dorset for our wedding. We'll be updating this website periodically, so please check back.




3 things we would really appreciate from you:

1) Please see the Transport & Travel page and email us if you would like to have a seat on any of the transport we are providing! Limited seats available!

2) Please can you also visit the Pick a Tune for our Playlist page to help us make sure our music playlist gets you all on the dancefloor! and

3) RSVP quickly!

If you have any questions or would like any other information, please let us know (you can find our details on the Contact page).


We are really looking forward to the 13th September and are so glad you can share the day with us!
Keith and Kate

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© Keith Sargeant